Fibre Art Ventures: Mastering Business Basics

Confidently Build A Fibre Business You Love

(and that makes money too!)

Brought to you by: Robin Whitford and Lara Wellman

If you're a fibre artist who is running a business (or thinking about starting one), but you never thought you'd be running a business, you might suddenly be waist-deep in tasks and decisions you never thought you would have to make. If you're feeling overwhelmed, uncertain about how to make a business work, and wishing you had a place to learn some more information and ask some questions - we have put together the perfect solution for you!

Join us (Lara Wellman and Robin Whitford) for this 6-week course designed to introduce you to many of the basics of running a business that makes money and doesn't overwhelm your whole life.

Here are a few things we want you to know right now:

  • You are not alone.
  • Making money IS possible.
  • You should not feel guilty about making money even if others aren’t.
  • Struggling to make enough money without feeling like you're working all the time is not what you started this business to do.

Now is the perfect time to learn more about the basics of running a business that will work well for YOU (and, of course, for your clients, too).

Join us for this program packed full of teaching and support!

Lara Wellman, The Biz Studio

"I can't wait to share simple but effective tips with you!"

I've fallen in love with the fibre-community and all the small business owners I've met in this space. I know there are so many simple ways that we can help you enjoy your business more, while also making more money! ~ Lara

I believe that we don’t have to be business experts to have great businesses!

I have learnt so much in the last few years by turning my passion for rug making into my dream business, I know I can help others do the same! ~ Robin

Photo of Robin Whitford wearing a blue shirt
Online offering


Over the course of the program we will cover:

  • foundations of running a business (goal-setting, who your clients are, what you sell, and pricing)
  • marketing and sales (who to make sure people know about you and confidently convert prospects into buyers)
  • mindset (how to step into feeling like a business owner and confidently sell to your audience)

I now feel grounded and have a path to follow.

Fibre Arts Ventures course has been a very valuable investment for my small Fibre Arts business. After 3-4 years of floating around, I now feel grounded and have a path to follow. The easy-to-follow lessons helped me bring my thoughts and aspirations to a point that I could develop a business plan that would work for me (self reflection isn’t easy!). The gentle reminder that most of us start off, to some degree, lost, helped me realise that with the guidance and structure provided, I would be able to bring all aspects of my business together.

Knowing that Lara and Robin are there if I need them and having the link available after the course was complete, has allowed me to go back and review some topics.

I believe that you must be organized to be successful. I would recommend this course to anyone that needs help in learning how to focus and organize your business. It is presented in a very relaxed learning atmosphere.

— Anne, Punch Needle Plus

Live Q&A

We will host live Q&As for members to have all their questions and concerns answered as you work through each module.

Group Q&A Call Schedule:

Fall dates TBD

Live Q&A
Community support

One-on-one support

The VIP level of this program includes two one-hour calls that you can book with Lara or Robin!

Community Support

You're never alone when you're part of our program. You can engage with Lara and Robin and other participants through the online class portal to ask questions, share progress, and connect with other business owners!

Online offering

We begin again in the Fall of 2024

wool cloth
shelves of colourful yarn
bolts of backing cloth
Join the waitlist for Fall 2024

What's Included for my $195 investment?

  • 5 Course modules (including 12+ topics)
  • Q&A support calls
  • Lifetime access to the training materials

Want a bit more one on one support? Join our VIP level.

If you would like an opportunity to talk through your business goals, brainstorm pricing or package options, or you have a lot of questions you would prefer to ask one-on-one, the VIP option is perfect for you!

This option includes 2 one-hour coaching sessions, and you can use them with Lara Wellman or Robin Whitford (or one with each!)

What will we be covering?

Module 1:  The Foundations

There are a few things that are foundational to being able to make business decisions. We're going to go through what those are and how to set them up.

What is your business? This might seem obvious, but we wanted to clearly articulate it!

Who is your audience - who are you selling to? The answer should never be "anyone who is interested" and the more clarity we have on who it is, the easier to find the right people to buy from you!

What do you sell? Clearly being able to articulate what you sell (and why) isn't as simple as you might think, but really helps when it comes to marketing, sales, and finding your audience. We will spend time getting clear on this.

Module 2: Who and what

What do you sell and who are you selling it to? The more clarity you have then it comes to answering these questions, the easier it is to connect with an interested audience and make sales!

Module 3: Goal setting

It's easy to get swept up into all you could do and all you want to do. Getting real clarity on your goals (and why you've set them) helps you day to day make sure that you're choosing the right things to do to move you towards success.

Module 4: Pricing and sales

Are you charging the right price for what you're selling? How do you figure that out?

Are you comfortable with making sales? How do you have sales conversations with your potential clients?

Module 5: Marketing

How do you get in front of the right people?

How do you convey the value of what you sell?

How do you create community around your business?

Module 6: Mindset

If you ever feel uncomfortable with selling, with putting yourself out there, with feeling like you aren't a "real" business owner, you're not alone. We're going to go through some of the biggest mindset traps, and share suggestions on how to work through them to bring more ease into your business.

Follow-up and Accountability

We don't want to leave you with all of this information without some support around how to implement it and keep on top of it over time. We will share tips and tricks on how to remain consistent, get accountability and support, and keep thriving in your fibre business!


This course is a mix of pre-recorded lessons, live Q&As and designed to help you build a business that works for your clients AND for you.

When do we begin?

A. The program will begin again in October 2024

Q. What if my business is already up and running?

A. This course is great if you're getting ready to launch a business, or if you have a business and aren't sure if it's running as smoothly as you'd like.

Whether it's a chance to set everything up using this information, or to tweak what you're already doing, we are covering a lot of the basics that help a business run smoothly, make enough money, and not feel like it's running your life.

Q. What if I can’t attend the live Q&As?

A. The Q&As will be recorded and posted online for you to watch the replay. If you have questions ahead of time you can ask them and Lara and Robin will make sure to answer those questions during the Q&A.

Q. When do I have to use my one-on-ones with Lara or Robin?

A. If you opted for the VIP program, your two one-on-one calls must be used within three months of purchase.


Who is Robin?

Image of Robin Whitford holding an armful of colourful yarn

Robin Whitford is a passionate rug hooking artist and Oxford Certified Punch Needle Teacher. Having started her creative journey with yarn at the young age of 6 knitting vests and scarves for her dolls, she has never stopped playing with fibre since. In 2020 she launched her rug hooking business Hooking Outside the Lines and the Creativity Club, an online rug hooking membership group. Robin loves to help people connect with their inner artist (even it they don’t think they have one!) as well as celebrate all things rug hooking, creativity and community.

Who is Lara?

Lara Wellman is a Certified Business Coach and author of the book You're Not Lazy. She helps business owners figure out how to plan effectively so they can reach their business goals. She is passionate about supporting small business owners in finding ways to to make running a business work for the life they want to live.

Lara has been a business owner since 2007 and an avid rug hooker since she picked up the craft in the early months of the pandemic.

This program is for you if...  

✓ You are struggling to get enough sales with your current business model

✓ Wish running a business didn't feel so difficult

✓ Know that there is more to know about running a business and you aren't sure where to start

Are you ready?

✓ I’m ready to feel more confident in my business.

✓ I take 100% personal + energetic responsibility for my results.    

✓ I’m ready to invest in myself and my business.   

✓ I’m ready to try new ways to create success.

✓ I’m ready for a community of like-minded business owners.   

✓ I’m ready to receive support and be of service.

✓ I’m ready to be fully supported.  

✓ I’m ready to commit to taking action.